Court Ordered
Community Service
How to complete your hours with Habitat for Humanity
1.) |
Call the ReStore Volunteer CoordinatorAny individual who wishes to complete their court mandated hours with Habitat for Humanity must first connect with Warehouse Manager. Afterwards, they can continue with the registration process.
2.) |
Fill out the Habitat WaiverPrint out the Court Ordered Community Service Waiver
and bring it to your ReStore Volunteer orientation. (You will also need a copy of an official document that states your charge, minimum required hours, and the deadline for completion.) You must submit this form at the beginning of your Volunteer Orientation at the ReStore.** Volunteer hours performed before this waiver is turned in can not be counted toward your required hours. ** For individuals who would like to volunteer outside of the ReStore, you will need to bring a copy of this form with you for every other volunteer project, every time you volunteer. The form must be turned in at the beginning of your volunteer shift. |
3.) |
Sign up for a Volunteer OrientationThe ReStore Volunteer Calendar will allow you to sign up for a volunteer orientation at the Habitat for Humantiy ReStore (2814 Augusta Rd. West Columbia), and all upcoming volunteer shifts. You must pre-register for all volunteer opportunities with Habitat for Humanity.
If needed, this PDF will explain how to sign up for a volunteer orientation and volunteer shifts at our Habitat ReStore. |
Main Office: (803) 252-3570 | Closed to visitors at this time
©2021 Central South Carolina Habitat for Humanity
Tax Exempt 501(c)3 Tax ID #57-0785521 |